MOC: 6075 Wolfpack Tower Remake

With my previous Lego project being so Forestmen heavy, the next thing I wanted to do was make similar big forts and dioramas for many of the other Lego Castle factions. Next up, was the Wolfpack.

The Wolfpack faction subtheme of Lego Castle released in 1992, a perfect year for a VERY six year old me, admittedly, but regrettably a theme with only the three sets. These minifigs were pretty kickass while I was younger, and while, sure, the Wolfpack are on the surface very much a reskin of the Forestmen faction before them, I like to think they’re probably the more crass and less charming rivals of their tree-swinging Robin Hood-esque counterparts. With so few sets released and no big appearances I feel they’ve been somewhat sidelined as a faction, but worse, not really given their own identity.

For my MOC I wanted to remedy that a little. I wanted to build a crumbly ruined inaccessable base away from prying eyes, on an island in the middle of a swampy marsh. The forests belong to the Forestmen, the Wolfpack, I guessed, would take whatever they could get. The end result is something that accidentally became a remake of 6075 Wolfpack Tower. This was lots of fun to do, but also good practice for me in a lot of ways.! First, i’ve never tried tiled water, but I think all the trans light blue tiles here look superb. Secondly, i’ve not really dabbled in angled building like this before either, but I think it actually came out alright! As a third deviation, the island is elevated on a DUPLO footprint to build height- this was a bit tricker than I had anticipated. Overall it’s a bit different from it’s source material set, but hopefully it still looks recognisable enough too.

The Lion King’s chief enforcer, Ser Galien, The Warden, has been tasked with ‘cleansing’ the kingdom. His current quest finds him at a long forgotten derelict tall black tower, on a small island in a swamp. The band of hoodlums he finds there call themselves The Wolfpack…

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